the end of the end
At long last, I have something resembling a final project. It's nothing like what I set out to make, however. After hours and hours of getting brightness tracking working for the light pen, trying to finagle both video tracking and serial buffer management in a single web application, and attempting to integrate that into my "veins" toy, I hit a brick wall. For whatever reason, I couldn't figure out how to make the jump from moving and resizing a cursor to also having that cursor disperse "veins" - the farthest I got was a moving and resizing cursor. See below. So, I gave up. In the process of giving up, however, I saw something interesting in my webcam mirror - since the framerate of my webcam was embarrassingly slow, the LED would make light trails each frame when moved quickly enough. I was inspired. I scrapped my current project, and instead began working on something entirely different. What I ended up with was pretty neat. The first order o...