Wrangling Electrons

Viewer beware, you're in for a scare. I wouldn't wish a close-up of my tongue on anyone.

Electricity has a very distinct taste. I can't say I'll be trying this experiment again at higher voltages.

The circuit itself was a wire in from the Arduino, a resistor, an LED, then a few wires back out. About as minimal as can be.

I left a break in the wires as demonstrated in the video so that I could come up with some creative way of closing the circuit. My initial idea was to somehow tape the wires to the skin near my eyes so that the circuit would complete as I blinked - but that proved to be too troublesome, so I settled on the tongue instead. Beforehand, I also spent some time playing around with the pressure sensor included in my kit, although I wasn't sure if any implementation of that would technically count for the assignment.


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